If you use links make sure they work!
If you have a sizeable archive of articles and have used links within that content take some time to do some house cleaning. Start with your oldest article and check all the links to make sure they still are being directed to the correct place. Nothing can be more irritating to readers when clicking your links and going nowhere or landing on some error page.
Another tip!
As you check over your back articles looking for broken links spend a few minutes and make sure the working links are linked to the outside place you want it to go. Look over the article for other possibilities. Words or word phrases that you can add new links to. Even if you are linking to one of your articles. If you make changes such as this be sure and type the word “UPDATED – DATE” at the top or bottom of the posts.
Do a few articles at a time so it’s not overwhelming. But taking care of these few basic things of website negligence makes your site respectable to the readers. It shows them that the person behind the site cares about the cosmetics and function of it and also keeps the site in favor with search engines.