Let’s assume you already have a topic for your blog and that you know who your audience is going to be.
Let’s assume that you have never blogged.
Let’s not worry about the blog theme or setup just yet.
Like every writer in the world each and every one of them is always faced with white space.
Blogging is writing, in white space.
A lot of writing.
And if you hope to gain a large following of readers then you are going to spend a lot of time writing.
So before all that excitement of creating and designing a new blog do yourself a huge favor!
Sit down with pen and paper or a laptop and start working on cranking out at least 10-15 blog articles to start.
Doing this will do a couple of things:
- will give you a good idea of the time it takes to write an article worthy of publishing.
- show you the amount of dedication it takes.
- you will discover how to engage your imagination and tackle that empty white space staring back at you.
There is only the blank page and the desire to write. The desire comes easy but that blank page is going to be a hard one to crack.
You might experience frustration, self-doubt, even boredom to the point of getting up from the computer yelling at the screen and giving up.
We all have done the same thing.
So buckle in, dive in and forge ahead to get it out of your way, and then start thinking about the rest of the building blocks.