After installing WordPress it’s now time to do some configuring. Listed below are the first things I do to unclutter the admin section and remove things I will not use. Doing this beforehand makes the admin section easier to get around. But, even if you have already started blogging these steps can still be done.
1. Delete themes
Before I begin installing a parent and child theme I delete two of the three themes that come with WordPress. I leave one even though I will not use it.
2. Delete Plugins
WordPress installs a Hello Dolly plugin along with several others like Mojo and JetPack, Monster Insights, Opt-in-Monster, and a couple more. If these are plugins that you think you will use then, by all means, leave them. Some will require you to subscribe to them in order to use all the functions.
3. Activating and adding Plugins
Akismet is a plugin that comes with a WordPress install. I use it with every blog I have ever created. It’s free and easy to set up. Below is a list of Plugins I use for 98% of all blogs I build.
- Google Analytics
- Really Simple SSL
- Regenerate Thumbnails
- WP Dashboard
- TinyMCE Advanced Editor
- Pixabay Images
These are the basic Plugins that I install if using a free WordPress Theme. Each of these will be blogged about in other posts to explain how and why these are used.
4. Delete any sample pages
Any sample pages that may have been installed depending on the theme.
5. Delete the Meta Widget from Sidebar
I always remove this widget from the sidebar if I am using one. More about this later.
6. Change permalinks
You will find this by clicking “settings” > permalinks. I use this setup Be sure and save any changes made.
7. Change Your Password
When you do an install WordPress will ask you for a user name but not always a password. It will assign one for you to use temporarily. When you have logged in go to “Users” and “Your Profile” to change your password and any other information.
So these are just a handful of things I do first before moving on to installing a different theme and other useful plugins and setups. Getting these few things out of the way first makes a big difference later.